Sao Paulo, Brazil skyline taken by Kate O'Dell, 24 July 2019

Satellite-based estimates of air quality alerts and implications for public health

The latest addition to my research experience, I worked with a team of NOAA satellite experts to quantify how air pollution exposure and air quality alerts can be improved through the use of current and future satellite missions. 

Wildfire smoke composition and exposure

My graduate work focused on quantifying exposure to wildfire smoke and identifying health-relevant components in smoke. For this work we used a myriad of unique datasets including aircraft-based wildfire smoke composition observations from the WE-CAN campaign, indoor PM2.5 concentrations from the PurpleAir monitor network, outdoor PM2.5 concentrations from the EPA's AQS network, satellite-based smoke plume estimates, and chemical transport models. We also created an observation-based dataset of smoke-specific PM2.5, which is publicly available at the link on the right. If you are interested in using this data, please contact me or any of the other authors on the data repository.

Smoke in the Rocky Mountains. Taken by Kate O'Dell,
22 September 2018.

Health and economic impacts
of wildfire smoke exposure

Much of this work has been achieved through collaborations with fantastic colleagues in epidemiology and economics. Through combining our expertise we have been able to identify the impact of wildfire smoke on crime, pregnant mothers, respiratory health, and asthma medication use. Our publications on these topics are listed under the publications tab. Science is more fun when we work together!

It is important to me that science is open, methods are transparent, and results are reproducible. To do my part, I have made the codes for my completed projects publicly available on github. If you have any questions about my code, want to use it, or find any errors, please contact me!